Introducing Dnote for Web

This feature is no longer supported in an effort to simplify Dnote. Find out more in this product update .

Today I am excited to launch the full-fledged Dnote web client. You can now create, read, update, and delete notes all within the Dnote website.

Dnote web is a user friendly way of instantly capturing your new knowledge. All you need to manage your notes is a web browser. First of all, the notes in your home page can now be clicked and opened in a modal to provide you with a more immersive experience of reflecting on new lessons.

note modal

As shown in the example, notes can now contain multiple lines and can be formatted using markdown. Now you can give your notes much richer context if they call for more clarification. This change in note format has been applied to all Dnote apps such as browser extensions and command line interface. And they, coupled with Dnote for web, will continue to work seamlessly with one another.

You can write, update and delete notes using the convenient interface that plays nicely with the note modal.

note management

Despite all these new features, you can continue to sync all changes to your notes between Dnote cloud and your devices. Particularly, Dnote command line interface will always allow you to keep all yours notes in your devices. You own your data.

Not only is there a modal for your notes, but also notes now have full-page views that can be accessed using unique URLs.

note view

Weekly digest emails now link individual notes to their own pages so that you can consume their content more attentively by taking advantage of the multiple line and markdown formatting support. Although currently only you can access your notes, in the future you will be able to optionally share your notes so that we can collaboratively expand our knowledge.

Using Dnote for the past year, we have discovered that this tool is something much more than what it originally intended to be. Dnote started a year ago as a 300 line program for me to quickly write down what new knowledge I came across while coding. However we found ourselves using Dnote to retain knowledges on just about anything—thing such as computer science, language, management, self-improvement.

In this light, Dnote for web is a step toward constructing the personal repository of knowledge of all kind. It is a more accessible, and user-friendly way to capture our knowledge so that we can forget less and remember more of what we come to learn every day. What will you learn with Dnote for web? We just need to listen to our inner students to find out.

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Sung Cho

I am a developer interested in learning new things in an efficient way.

Sydney, Australia

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